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Joe Seong

The people at JHP are hard to come by.
Everyone here seems incredibly joyful in serving, so serious while worshiping, and extra generous giving their hearts.
I immediately felt welcome at JHP and they made me feel like I've been attending for a long time.


Janice Shin

What brought you to JHP?
When I was younger,  I only went to church for two reasons: my parents and my church friends. Once I got into college, I didn't have those reasons anymore so stopped going. In the 4 years I was away from church, I have never felt so lost. On the other hand, the same year I stopped going to church, my brother started attending JHP.
I saw him radiating with God's goodness and I wanted that in my life. That's when I decided to check out JHP and found a group of brothers 

and sisters who were all pursuing one thing, a genuine relationship with God.  I finally felt like I was home.
Even though I have faltered along the way, the community of JHP has always welcomed me back with open arms.


Brian Suh

Journey Home at Peace has not only became my church, but my home. Every time I enter service, I feel like I just walked into the Father's embrace. I envision JHP as a place where every person that joins our service can also feel the Father's warm embrace. I envision that as a ministry, we may become a beacon of light for the lost and weary. 

No matter how far we may wander, I pray we always run back home to the Father.


Joan Paek

The things I vision for JHP are unity within our ministry and community outreach. As we become unified as a ministry, I hope that we can grow to become more vulnerable before Him and to one another, and that we can learn to love one another deeply as brothers and sisters in Christ. The verse that reminds me of unity and the love of Christ in church is James 5:16 “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” I hope that as we grow and become unified as one body of Christ that we would overflow with

the love of Christ unto those around us as well by reaching out to our local communities and sharing the Good News, with grace and wisdom. I vision that as we, as one ministry, make our Journey Home at Peace, that we would be used by God and led by the Spirit in sharing the love of Christ to help others make their Journey Home at Peace as well.


Jon Shin

At JHP, whenever something needs to be done, someone is always willing to step up using their gifts and talents God has given them. So when I first started serving, I had never asked or been asked to help but rather, God had provided an opportunity where I would be the best fit. The reason I serve at JHP is because I know God has provided me a place and time to not take away from the church but to add. Everybody always has meaningful contributions available and God consistently provides different areas to contribute.


Grace Bae

One thing I envision for JHP is for people to be able to experience God’s love and presence through the worship and fellowship they have there. I also hope we could be a ministry that’s constantly passionate and working to add to God’s kingdom.


Daniel Han

What brought me to JHP was the friendship and vulnerability I had first with everyone in the ministry which eventually transitioned to brotherly and sisterly love through Christ. JHP is a community where I can be open and intimate with those who share similarities in brokenness and imperfections. The mission statement of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32 resonates with me when I reflect on the times I have felt lost with my struggles with my own sins and past. I believe that God has welcomed me to JHP with open arms as the father in the bible passage, and I hope that any visitor or new member would experience the same love as I have.


Pearl Kim

I envision JHP collectively living out and sharing their faith to surrounding communities, as well as becoming spiritually united as one body of Christ.


Tom Kim

I really like the community at JHP. The people here really want to grow in their faith, and being surrounded by such passionate people also encourages me. Over the years, I've seen how God can work through a few people to do great things and change lives. Things feel different when we gather, and I truly believe God is with us!

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